Anyway, the prompt "What’s your “One Good Thing” for today?" looked suitably short, so I decided to find out what it is. A quick Google (because I didn't know what One Good Thing is) lead me to Rachael's One Good Thing, which is a lovely webcomic/diary. I did a bit of clicking, cause I like that kind of thing, then decided that today's post should be about webcomics. As this is supposed to be a maths teaching blog, it seemed most appropriate to post about maths webcomics, so here's a short selection of good ones - pictures link to the original site.
Six good comics and one good thing27/8/2015
A selection of maths webcomics for classroom use and my "One Good Thing" for today.
Today's post is, in an incredibly roundabout way, also another post from the prompt list. I've had one of those slightly lazy days consisting of mostly watching telly in between loading and unloading the washing machine (festival mud is hard to remove), and decided that my brain wasn't loving the idea of writing a proper post, although I've reserved some of the prompts for next week when I'm more with it.
Anyway, the prompt "What’s your “One Good Thing” for today?" looked suitably short, so I decided to find out what it is. A quick Google (because I didn't know what One Good Thing is) lead me to Rachael's One Good Thing, which is a lovely webcomic/diary. I did a bit of clicking, cause I like that kind of thing, then decided that today's post should be about webcomics. As this is supposed to be a maths teaching blog, it seemed most appropriate to post about maths webcomics, so here's a short selection of good ones - pictures link to the original site. Comments are closed.
August 2020