Blogs and site links
- "Why teach?" posts from @mathsjem, @DrBennison and @Craigos87: Well worth a read, and reminded me to finish my own post along these lines!
- @mathsjem: Jo's also continuing to post more resources for the new maths GCSE - keep checking them out, there's great stuff here.
- @letsgetmathing: Mathematical takedown of a motivational poster via the Daily Poke; a nice one for spicing up 3D shape work.
- @unseenflirt: Another great blog, this time about planning. I particularly like the distinction between planning and preparation.
- @dotmaths: Link to an article on the TES about true functional maths (Do Bricklayers Really Need GCSE Maths?)
- @Actionjackson: Link to an infographic about how writing affects the brain; I really enjoyed finding this after writing my blog about blogging a couple of weeks ago.
- @mrsdenyer: Link to an article on Cosmo with a screenshot of the most stupid Facebook conversation ever (it is maths related).
- @nancygedge: A reminder of why it's so important to "mark the damn books!" - I'll return to this when I'm flagging in October.
- @pamjwilson: Prompts for the #MTBoSblaugust challenge - horrendous hashtag to type, but some good ideas that I might visit in the next couple of weeks as I'm starting to run out of blogging fuel.
Other awesome stuff
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— Graham Andre' (@grahamandre) August 14, 2015