Translations, Rotations and Reflections
Identify properties of, and describe the results of translations, rotations and reflections applied to given figures (KS3)
Describe translations as 2D vectors (KS4) |
Teaching for Understanding
Resources and ideas to promote understanding
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Collections of standard practice problems in various formats
Transformation package (TristanJones via TES)
Lovely bank of worksheets - pupils complete transformations on a selection of shapes to spell out a word in the centre of the page. Always popular whenever I use these.
Transformation puzzle (ECBayliss via TES)
Similar puzzle with a combination of rotations, reflections and translations.
Lovely bank of worksheets - pupils complete transformations on a selection of shapes to spell out a word in the centre of the page. Always popular whenever I use these.
Transformation puzzle (ECBayliss via TES)
Similar puzzle with a combination of rotations, reflections and translations.
WHiteboard Display
Coming soon.
Revision Resources
Enrichment, Extension and Problem-solving
Resources to extend thinking, enrich lessons or enhance problem-solving skills
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Other Links and Resources
Useful stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else
Transformation interactives (EChalk via Eduqas)
- Reflections: Superb interactive for demonstrating reflections, with moveable shapes and mirror lines.
- Rotations: Similar interactive for demonstrating rotations.
- Translation: Simple interactive for demonstrating translations in words or as vectors.
- Virtual tracing paper: Great for demonstrating how to use tracing paper to complete reflections and rotations.